Monday, September 11, 2017

Mission Conference

Mission Conference with Dr. Solomon. He is truly amazing speaker. His words are very powerful.. Let me conclude the entire conference...

Day 1: Jesus said" whoeverwants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their corss and follow me"

Day 2: The main thing is to do the main thing- Mission!!Sign and wonders will follow the work of speading the gospel!!

Day 3: It is all about His grace- God's riches at Christ's expense!

I had a privilage to be part of the worship team!! What truly a privilage!! What I learned the most... is to listen to others and always looking at others... Pastor David Song... He is amazing worship leader!! The time we worship... was very sweet !!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Very hot the past weekend and Lemonade stand!!

over 110 crazy... but look at the kids..

still playing outside with neighbors....

dinner at Laura's house

The highlight of the event....Lemonade stand

Ethan is amazing! He made cookies on his own!!

It turns out very good! Everyone loves it!!