Monday, October 31, 2016


Halloween is one of the holiday we don't celebrate as Christian..... kids have taught when they are little.... It is very tough for Jaden to stand up for Jesus in school.... I was glad he shared with me... He shared that some kids laughed at him.... saying " what? huh? He explained to his friends in school and he stated it " firmly"... Way to go, Jaden!! Their faith is showing!! Bless you both shine Jesus shine in school!!

Ethan saw a Baskin Robbins flyer yesterday lunch time with Ching Yin EE selling each scoop of ice cream $1.31 for today ( 31th of the month of this year). We decide to go only if they can finish all their works by 7pm....

Here we go....

so much fun!!

Recently, Ethan's teacher discovered Ethan can't make a "th" sounds, and he has started seeing speech thereapy in school.... He is trying to pay attention to those words and make the sounds correctly.. Way to go Ethan!! Thanks Mrs. Craig!!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Ordinary Sunday .....

2 boys were with Chingyin EE for lunch and able to play with Ivan and Isabella for awhile... while Peter and I are taking care of grandmom....We were able to visit Arrow and Chingyin EE's new house... 

Look at them!!

Then we walked home and fun continues.....

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Shopping and getting ready!!

Kids are hanging out shopping today.... better than what I can expect... Not too much whinning.... or Can we go now or are we done yet?  I hope one day... whole family will enjoy shopping together..... Thanks God... We got most of the things done!! Here we go.......

Nowadays, Ethan likes to take pictures with me, and I just enjoy each moments!

Of course, Jaden has to be part of it, too

preparing the shoe boxes... they are so creative and buying different things

Let's go..... we are done!!

Of course, when we go home.... Highlight for today ( playing with the neighbors).... they are too funny

Daniel is still able to sit on Jaden's booster.... He is almost at my height!! He is too cute!!

Fun time!! They are making I Movie!!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Ethan's first burger!!

Seriously!! I can't believe what I see.... Kids are hungry right after school... they wanted to eat, and Ethan wanted to eat quarter pound! I was like... Really? Anyway, I took them to McDonald... Yes, McDonald... not a healthy place.... I just can't believe what I see....

Jaden and his chicken nuggets

Ethan then tried the apple pie... Amazing!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Jaden called for a family meeting

Huh, what? While I was resting on my bed..... then he took his TWA and shared the verse and everyone sitting on my bed..... The kids shared their struggles and their weakness... the dad prayed over them......

God uses the kids to remind us to pray over them and allowing them to share with us about their feelings, happiness and saddness......

Jaden ended the meeting with " We need more family meeting!"

What a wonderful night!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Coach Chris and Ethan

Tennis coach, Chris, is always quiet and very straight..... He always tells Ethan " no more questions or go back to 60 feet". I always believe that the coach/ teacher will make a huge impact to my kids' lives.  He is Ethan's coach, his friend and his mentor....... I see Coach Chris has more smile on his face!!  My kids are finally having more fun with Chris. We thanks God for this wonderful coach!!

Ethan also wears Coach Chris's hat

Even they are not looking to each others, they are talking!!

Monday, October 24, 2016

What do we do on Sunday??

Almost play all afternoon.......

Mrs. Alva brought them ice-cream 

Later on that evening, Asley and Simeon came to play with them....

 Look at these two, Selfie....

Also, to celebrate Shirley EE 's B day...

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Busy Sat.....

The whole family rested and rested on Sat morning.....

then ......

Eating at Quickly for lunch

When we got home from tennis lesson.... Jaden finally got his new scooter.....

Of course, kids always play outside.... but this time.... I was touched to see them helping......

As a mom, I am happy to see them to serve others..... "Jesus tells us so......"

Friday, October 21, 2016

Fun Friday....

What a fun Friday night.....No cooking tonight... we all taking a break...... Yeh!

Ethan read " Middle school..the Worst Year of my life"... finally the movie came out... of course, he wants to watch here we go.....

We first shopped at Great Mall, and we all brought  running shoes .... total cost of all 4 paris of shoes are little more than $100.

 Then Ethan and I were heading to watch " Middle School"... He is so excited!! He did everything I asked....

This is what Ethan wants to watch next.......

Jaden and daddy's bonding time.....

after the movie.....

Monday, October 17, 2016

life on Monday

Busy life on Monday.....

Heading to Cadet band ... Big boy Ethan... carrying his own Saxophone ( so heavy)... so proud of him

Jaden..... on the way to tennis class... dropped by Luandi, he insisted to carry the milk...

Before going to sleep, they wanted to learn how to make Nutella cute....

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Ethan is getting bigger......

My big BB is getting bigger and being more responsible... A huge helping hands....

He even carried 25 lbs of rice!! Ethan is really getting BIG!! Praise God!